If you ask any web design company, they will tell you that trending designs are only temporary – what matters is the website’s content, accessibility and functionality. Most of us are attracted to a particular colour scheme, layouts and animation modes. But there is so much more to website designing than choosing what is right in front of us. In 2020, designers have been focusing more on a blend of interaction models, design details, technical possibilities and experimentation with brand-new features. We strive to streamline consumable content, universalise designs and adopt tools that increase productivity in the long run. Of course, we have some classic designs as our favourites such as flat illustrations and minimalism, but it’s always nice to experiment.
Since the beginning of 2020, agencies for web design in Albury and elsewhere have been getting inventive with the latest creative trends yet keeping the websites functional and clutter-free. Read on to know about them and implement into your projects to add an avant-garde touch to your project and impress your clients, but remember to thank us later on!
Perfection in imperfection
Much like how the beauty industry has realised the beauty of flaws, the web design industry now loves to show the artsy side off. Think hand-drawn illustrations and elements that radiate positivity, humanity and emotion rejecting the seemingly detached designs that we are used to seeing. Hand-drawn iconography is a favourite of most designers and viewers alike, which tells us that we need more of the idealism and liveliness that we lack in the modern world. You’ll find stylised designs that add personality to your website and reinstate the fact that your brand label is made up by human beings.
Floating elements, layers and shadows
As any agency for website design in Wodonga will tell you, there’s something aesthetic about floating elements and soft shadows that exudes a layered pseudo-3D effect. These elements do not only add a classic lightweight beauty to the website it is also a sharp contrast from the classic and flat design we are bored of.
3D elements
3D technology is an intrinsic part of graphic design, and can now be performed without expensive NASA-tier equipment leaving the space open for designers. Hyper-realistic 3D technology, thus, remains the popular option in the absence of mainstream virtual reality, which leads to an engaging experience. Immersive 3D design works beautifully for visuals and UX, which breaks the limits between reality and digital space.
White spaces
White spaces are important to prevent parallax designs and bleed images, and give a frame and structure to the content. Website design is highly involved with colour-solid structures and experimentation with white spaces and coloured spaces, and that is a good sign. Neatly placed frames create and prioritise order and cleanliness on a website, and separating different segments.
Dark mode
Dark themes add a high contrast ratio along with using different colours, which relieves eye strain at the same time. Not only does it look uber-modern, but also saves battery power and extends screen lifespans for a dynamic design. For website design, there are now several options to choose from, such as dark, moody, neon and futuristic themes that you may opt for as per your personality.
Avant-garde colour schemes
Luminous designs and colour schemes are on-trend; think bright shades such as hot pink, shocking blue and vivid purple for a futuristically electrifying feel. We are looking at bold colour pairings that have been strategically placed for a daring aesthete, with the use of popping colours and glow-in-the-dark neon lettering combined with darker or pastel shades. If you are particularly adventurous, duotone effects can instantly transform your brand identity. Of course, agencies for website design in Albury will help you choose the neon pops according to your brand colour as they look amazing and minimalistic on dark themes.
The digital world has moved beyond the content-heavy website, for everyone enjoys watching visual content – whether it be informative or entertaining. Wearable devices like smartwatches and mobile phones have only made it easier to choose simpler designs with excellent functionality. The user should be able to access the major features of the website at the touch of their fingers, which helps them engage better with the website. High-definition images, GIFs and videos are extremely popular as they attract and retain the audience's interest without weighing them down with a truckload of information. Therefore, focus on a powerful image or video to spark attention.
Photographs and graphics
Combining graphics with high-quality photographs is a sure shot way to gain traction on your website, so play with your creativity and use an unforgettable visual picture. As per the brand personality, you can twist the images from a boring and bland photograph to a cool and interesting visual that people can connect with. As mentioned in the earlier point, visual communication speaks more than words ever can. You can easily customise the images and add character to your website, and subsequently, bring in your traffic. Cartoons are suited for playful themes, while geometric shapes work better for more formal subjects.
Thus, experimenting with website designs is fun if you are interested in trying out new themes, colours and perspectives with us. Alternatively, if you are looking for such an interactive web design company in Albury Wodonga, feel free to connect with us at Ashbury Studios.